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Health and Human Services Committee Minutes

2024 Health and Human Services Committee

Health and Human Services Minutes


First Meeting

2024 – Model Legislature, Thursday November 21, 2024




Representative, Andrea Volker, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, called the meeting to order at 9:16 AM.


The committee administrator, Representative Harrison Meek, takes the roll.


Roll Call


Rep. Andrea Volker


Rep. Archer Snow


Sen. Ari Gaul


Sen. Beth Carlson


Rep. Braden Danielson


Sen. Caden Mattson


Sen. Carson Laumb


Rep. Conner Vaughn


Rep. Harrison Meek


Sen. Heiden Dahl


Sen. Hunter Rislov


Rep. Kaia Bellock- Drinkall


Rep. Karissa Ronnenberg

Not present

Sen. Kennedy Diepenbrock


Rep. Landon Dahl


Rep. Lorelei Macon


Rep. Mary Mangan


Sen. Miley Knutson


Sen. Shelby Lutz


Rep. Vivian Hansen



19 were present, 1 was absent







HF3469 SF3968: A bill for an act relating to SNAP established as medicine program, and money appropriated.


Author: Representative Archer Snow 


Representative Snow motions to send HF3469 SF3968 to be referred and passed to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


HF3469 SF3698 was presented by Representative Snow and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF3469 SF3698 to be referred to the Education Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Environmental and Agriculture Committee on HF3469 SF3968: SNAP established as medicine program, and money appropriated." and the roll was called. There were 17 Yeas and 2 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed 





SF3510 HF3479 A bill for an act relating to Insurers prohibition from requiring co-payments for children's mental health services


Author: Senator Ari Gaul  


Senator Gaul motions to send SF3510 HF3479 to be referred and passed to the Judiciary Committee.


SF3510 HF3479 was presented by Senator Gaul and discussed by members or the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF3510 HF3479 to be referred to the Judiciary Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Judiciary Committee on SF3510 HF3479: Insurers prohibition from requiring co-payments for children's mental health services" and the roll was called. There were 14 Yeas and 5 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Nay
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Nay
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed





HF4181 SF4242 A bill for an act relating to All-terrain vehicle trail funding provided, and money appropriated.


Author: Representative Braden Danielson  


Representative Danielson motions to send HF4181 SF4242 to be referred and passed to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee.


HF4181 SF4242 was presented by Representative Danielson and discussed by members or the Health and Human Services Committee.


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF4181 SF4242 to be referred to the Environmental and Agricultural Committee.


The question was taken for "Vote in Environmental and Agriculture Committee on HF4181 SF4242: All-terrain vehicle trail funding provided, and money appropriated." and the roll was called. There were 2 Yeas and 16 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Nay
Senator Beth Carlson : Not Voted
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Nay
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Nay
Senator Ari Gaul : Nay
Representative Vivian Hansen : Nay
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Nay
Senator Shelby Lutz : Nay
Representative Lorelei Macon : Nay
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Nay
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Nay


Chair Volker announced the motion failed




HF1765 SF1800 A bill for an act relating to Retired law enforcement officers permitted to carry firearms in schools.


Author: Senator Caden Mattson  


Senator Mattson motions to send HF1765 SF1800 to be referred and passed to the Education Committee.


HF1765 SF1800 was presented by Senator Mattson and discussed by members or the Health and Human Services Committee.


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF1765 SF1800 to be referred to the Education Committee.


The question was taken for "Vote in General Legislation Committee on HF1765 SF1800: Retired law enforcement officers permitted to carry firearms in schools." and the roll was called. There were 13 Yeas and 6 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Nay
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Nay
Senator Shelby Lutz : Nay
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Nay
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed




HF0017 SF0168 A bill for an act relating to Generic or off-patent drugs; excessive price increases prohibited, attorney general authorized to take action against price increases, sale withdrawal prohibited, prescription drug affordability board and advisory council established, prescription drug co


Author: Representative Andrea Volker 


Representative Volker motions to send HF0017 SF0168 to be referred and passed to the Judiciary Committee 


HF0017 SF0168 was presented by Representative Volker and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Vice Chair Hansen motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0017 SF0168 to be referred to the Judiciary Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF0017 SF0168: Generic or off-patent drugs; excessive price increases prohibited, attorney general authorized to take action against price increases, sale withdrawal prohibited, prescription drug affordability board and advisory council established, prescription drug co" and the roll was called. There were 19 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Vice Chair Hansen announced the motion prevailed




HF2669 SF3134 A bill for an act relating to Conversion of human remains to basic elements using natural organic reduction permitted, licensure requirements for natural organic reduction facilities established, and licensure fees established.


Author: Senator Carson Laumb 


Senator Laumb motions to send HF2669 SF3134 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee 


HF2669 SF3134 was presented by Senator Laumb and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF2669 SF3134 to be referred to the Commerce Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Commerce Committee on HF2669 SF3134 : Conversion of human remains to basic elements using natural organic reduction permitted, licensure requirements for natural organic reduction facilities established, and licensure fees established." and the roll was called. There were 17 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.





HF0472 SF1666 A bill for an act relating to Enhanced penalties provided for assaulting a sports official.


Author: Conner Vaughn 


Representative Vaughn motions to send HF0472 SF1666 to be referred and passed to the General Legislation Committee 


HF0472 SF1666 was presented by Representative Vaughn and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0472 SF1666 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Education Committee on HF0472 SF1666: Enhanced penalties provided for assaulting a sports official." and the roll was called. There were 18 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed





HF4139 SF3808 A bill for an act relating to Shotgun zone for taking deer eliminated, and report required.


Author: Senator Heidan Dahl


Senator Dahl motions to send HF4139 SF3808 to be referred and passed to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


HF4139 SF3808 was presented by Senator Dahl and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0472 SF1666 to be referred to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Environmental and Agriculture Committee on HF4139 SF3808 : Shotgun zone for taking deer eliminated, and report required." and the roll was called. There were 18 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Nay
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced that the motion prevailed





HF5423 SF5533 A bill for an act relating to Certain buildings required to meet energy performance standards, and money appropriated.


Author: Senator Hunter Rislov


Senator Rislov motions to send HF5423 SF5533 to be referred and passed to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


HF5423 SF5533 was presented by Senator Rislov and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF5423 SF5533 to be referred to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Environmental and Agriculture Committee on HF5423 SF5533 : Certain buildings required to meet energy performance standards, and money appropriated." and the roll was called. There were 16 Yeas and 2 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Not Voted
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed




Committee Adjourned – 11:55






Second Meeting

2024 Model Legislature, Wednesday, November 21, 2024




Representative Andrea Volker, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:07 PM.


Committee administrator, Representative Harrison Meek, takes the roll. 


Roll Call


Rep. Andrea Volker


Rep. Archer Snow


Sen. Ari Gaul


Sen. Beth Carlson


Rep. Braden Danielson


Sen. Caden Mattson


Sen. Carson Laumb


Rep. Conner Vaughn


Rep. Harrison Meek


Sen. Heiden Dahl


Sen. Hunter Rislov


Rep. Kaia Bellock- Drinkall


Rep. Karissa Ronnenberg

Not present

Sen. Kennedy Diepenbrock


Rep. Landon Dahl


Rep. Lorelei Macon


Rep. Mary Mangan


Sen. Miley Knutson


Sen. Shelby Lutz


Rep. Vivian Hansen



19 were present and 1 absent.






HF0613 SF2500 A bill for an act relating to High school students allowed to earn elective credits through employment with health care providers.


Author: Representative Nina Harris


Representative Harris motions to send HF0613 SF2500 to be referred and passed to the Rules Committee 


HF0613 SF2500 was presented by Representative Harris and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0613 SF2500 to be referred to the Rules Agriculture Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF0613 SF2500: High school students allowed to earn elective credits through employment with health care providers." and the roll was called. There were 15 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Not Voted
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Not Voted
Representative Harrison Meek : Not Voted
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Not Voted
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed 




SF3018 A bill for an act relating to Available and affordable health care guarantee for every Minnesota


Author: Senator Larissa Ryan


Senator Ryan motions to send SF3018 to be referred and passed to the General Legislation Committee 


SF3018 was presented by Senator Ryan and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF3018 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on SF3018: Available and affordable health care guarantee for every Minnesota" and the roll was called. There were 16 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Not Voted
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Not Voted
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.




HF3658 SF3672 A bill for an act relating to Cities required to purchase insurance for property damage claims.


Author: Representative Landon Dahl 


Representative Dahl motions to send HF3658 SF3672 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee 


HF3658 SF3672 was presented by Representative Dahl and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF3658 SF3672 to be referred to the Commerce Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in General Legislation Committee on HF3658 SF3672: Cities required to purchase insurance for property damage claims." and the roll was called. There were 15 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Not Voted
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced this motion prevailed. 





HF3542 SF3369 A bill for an act relating to District required to adopt a policy allowing space for mental health care.


Author: Senator Adalynn Hoel


Senator Hoel motions to send HF3542 SF3369 to be referred and passed to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee 


HF3542 SF3369 was presented by Senator Hoel and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF3542 SF3369 to be referred to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Ways and Means and Taxes Committee on HF3542 SF3369: District required to adopt a policy allowing space for mental health care." and the roll was called. There were 12 Yeas and 3 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Nay
Senator Heiden Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Not Voted
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed




SF4134 HF3739 A bill for an act relating to Microplastics in meat and poultry study requirement and appropriation.


Author: Senator Jackson Gondola


Senator Gondola motions to send SF4134 HF3739 to be referred and passed to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


SF4134 HF3739 was presented by Senator Gondola and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF4134 HF3739 to be referred to the Environmental and Agriculture Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Environmental and Agriculture Committee on SF4134 HF3739: Microplastics in meat and poultry study requirement and appropriation" and the roll was called. There were 17 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Andrea Volker announced the motion prevailed.





SF1832 HF180 A bill for an act relating to Protect Reproductive Options Act


Author: Senator Adrianna Jones 


Senator Jones motions to send SF1832 HF180 to be referred and passed to the General Legislation Committee 


SF1832 HF180 was presented by Senator Jones and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF1832 HF180 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on SF1832 HF1809 : Protect Reproductive Options Act" and the roll was called. There were 9 Yeas and 8 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Nay
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Nay
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Nay


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed





HF4793 SF4037 A bill for an act relating to Child maltreatment reporting modified, and criminal penalty for preventing report created.


Author: Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock


Senator Diepenbrock motions to send HF4793 SF4037 to be referred and passed to the Judiciary Committee 


HF4793 SF4037 was presented by Senator Diepenbrock and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Vice Chair Hansen motions for a vote by roll call to have HF4793 SF4037 to be referred to the Judiciary Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF4793 SF4037: Child maltreatment reporting modified, and criminal penalty for preventing report created." and the roll was called. There were 11 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Not Voted
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Not Voted
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Not Voted
Representative Conner Vaughn : Not Voted
Representative Andrea Volker : Not Voted


Vice Chair Hansen announced the motion prevailed.





HF2156 SF0291 A bill for an act relating to Sudden cardiac arrest screening required for youth athletes.


Author: Senator Heiden Dahl


Senator Dahl motions to send HF2156 SF0291 to be referred and passed to the Education Committee 


HF2156 SF0291 was presented by Senator Dahl and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Vice Chair Hansen motions for a vote by roll call to have HF2156 SF0291 to be referred to the Education Committee 


The question was taken for "Vote in Education Committee on HF2156 SF0291: Sudden cardiac arrest screening required for youth athletes." and the roll was called. There were 14 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Not Voted
Representative Andrea Volker : Not Voted


Vice Chair Hansen announced the motion prevailed.




SF0089 HF0657 A bill for an act relating to Denial of the right to purchase, own, possess or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is enrolled as a patient in the medical cannabis registry prohibition.


Author: Senator Nathan Kiehne


Senator Kiehne motions to send SF0089 HF0657 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee


SF0089 HF0657 was presented by Senator Kiehne and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee 


Vice Chair Hansen motions for a vote by roll call to have SF0089 HF0657 to be referred to the Commerce Committee 

The question was taken for "Vote in Commerce Committee on SF0089 HF0657 : Denial of the right to purchase, own, possess or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is enrolled as a patient in the medical cannabis registry prohibition." and the roll was called. There were 2 Yeas and 13 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Nay
Senator Beth Carlson : Nay
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Nay
Senator Ari Gaul : Nay
Representative Vivian Hansen : Nay
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Nay
Senator Shelby Lutz : Nay
Representative Lorelei Macon : Not Voted
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Not Voted
Representative Harrison Meek : Nay
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Not Voted
Representative Andrea Volker : Not Vote

Vice Chair Hansen announced the motion failed.



The committee adjourned at 2:23 PM




Health and Human Services

Third Meeting

2024 Model Legislature, Friday, November 22, 2024




Representative Andrea Volker, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM.


Representative Harrison Meek, Committee Administrator, takes the roll:


Rep. Andrea Volker


Rep. Archer Snow


Sen. Ari Gaul


Sen. Beth Carlson


Rep. Braden Danielson


Sen. Caden Mattson


Sen. Carson Laumb


Rep. Conner Vaughn


Rep. Harrison Meek


Sen. Heiden Dahl


Sen. Hunter Rislov


Rep. Kaia Bellock- Drinkall


Rep. Karissa Ronnenberg

Not present

Sen. Kennedy Diepenbrock


Rep. Landon Dahl


Rep. Lorelei Macon


Rep. Mary Mangan


Sen. Miley Knutson


Sen. Shelby Lutz


Rep. Vivian Hansen



19 were present and 1 absent.








HF5471 SF5526 Aviation Museum funding provided, and money appropriated


Author: Representative Lorelei Macon


Representative Macon motions to send HF5471 SF5526 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee


HF5471 SF5526 was presented by Representative Macon and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF5471 SF5526 to be referred to the Commerce Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Commerce Committee on HF5471 SF5526: Aviation Museum funding provided, and money appropriated" and the roll was called. There were 10 Yeas and 2 Nays.


Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Nay
Senator Beth Carlson : Did not vote
Senator Heiden Dahl : Did not vote
Representative Landon Dahl : Did not vote
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Did not vote
Senator Carson Laumb : Did not vote
Senator Shelby Lutz :  Nay
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Did not vote
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Did not vote
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Did not vote
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announces the motion prevailed.




HF1037 A bill for an act relating to Veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, and practice of veterinary technology regulated.


Author: Representative Quinn Potter


Representative Potter motions to send HF1037 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee


HF1037 was presented by Representative Potter and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF1037 to be referred to the Commerce Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF1037: Veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, and practice of veterinary technology regulated." and the roll was called. There were 13 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Not Voted
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Not Voted
Senator Carson Laumb : Not Voted
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Not Voted
Senator Hunter Rislov : Not Voted
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.




HF0368 SF0366 A bill for an act relating to Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation prohibited.


Author: Senator Shelby Lutz


Senator Lutz motions to send HF0368 SF0366 to be referred and passed to the Judiciary Committee


HF0368 SF0366 was presented by Senator Lutz and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0368 SF0366 to be referred to the Judiciary Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Education Committee on HF0368 SF0366: Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation prohibited." and the roll was called. There were 14 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Not Voted
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Not Voted
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Not Voted
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed



HF3528 SF5423 A bill for an act relating to Retail Worker and Consumer Safety Violence Prevention Act established, report required, and penalties imposed.


Author: Representative Emily Benke


Representative Benke motions to send HF3528 SF5423 to be referred and passed to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


HF3528 SF5423 was presented by Representative Benke and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF3528 SF5423 to be referred to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Ways and Means and Taxes Committee on HF3528 SF5423: Retail Worker and Consumer Safety Violence Prevention Act established, report required, and penalties imposed." and the roll was called. There were 14 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Not Voted
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Not Voted
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced he motion prevailed. 




HF3490 SF3416 A bill for an act relating to Calcified human remains sale prohibited, and felony offense established.


Author: Senator Haylee Payne


Senator Payne motions to send HF3490 SF3416 to be referred and passed to the Rules Committee


HF3490 SF3416 was presented by Senator Payne and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF3490 SF3416 to be referred to the Rules Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Rules Committee on HF3490 SF3416 : Calcified human remains sale prohibited, and felony offense established." and the roll was called. There were 10 Yeas and 3 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Not Voted
Senator Beth Carlson : Not Voted
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Not Voted
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Not Voted
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.





HF0999 SF1015 A bill for an act relating to Disability waiver rate system modified.


Author: Representative Audric Gotz


Representative Gotz motions to send HF0999 SF1015 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee


HF0999 SF1015 was presented by Representative Gotz and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0999 SF1015 to be referred to the Commerce Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Commerce Committee on HF0999 SF1015 : Disability waiver rate system modified." and the roll was called. There were 15 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Not Voted
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Not Voted
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Not Voted
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.





HF2087 SF1830 A bill for an act relating to medical assistance reimbursement rates increased for home care nursing.


Author: Senator Miley Knutson


Senator Knutson motions to send HF2087 SF1830 to be referred and passed to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


HF2087 SF1830 was presented by Senator Knutson and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF2087 SF1830 to be referred to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF2087 SF1830 : Medical assistance reimbursement rates increased for home care nursing." and the roll was called. There were 16 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Not Voted
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Not Voted
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed




HF4215 SF4342 Grant funding appropriation to train and make therapy dogs available to law enforcement officers who are suffering from job-related trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Author: Representative Hansen


Representative Hansen motions to send HF4215 SF4342 to be referred and passed to the Judiciary Committee


HF4215 SF4342 was presented by Representative Hansen and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF4215 SF4342 to be referred to the Judiciary Committee



Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Did not vote
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Did not vote
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz :  Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Did not vote
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Did not vote
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announces the motion prevailed




SF2586 HF2732 A bill for an act relating to Health care providers providing patients with health information and services that are medically accurate; evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient authorization; informed consent requirements before abortions may be performed repeal


Author: Senator Isabella Steffes


Senator Steffes motions to send SF2586 HF2732 to be referred and passed to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


SF2586 HF2732 was presented by Senator Steffes and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF2586 HF2732 to be referred to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Ways and Means and Taxes Committee on SF2586 HF2732 : Health care providers providing patients with health information and services that are medically accurate; evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient authorization; informed consent requirements before abortions may be performed repeal" and the roll was called. There were 9 Yeas and 6 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Nay
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Not Voted
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Not Voted
Representative Lorelei Macon : Nay
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.





HF2607 SF2209 A bill for an act relating to Health plans clarified to require coverage of gender-affirming care.


Author: Representative Chloe Duffield


Representative Duffield motions to send HF2607 SF2209 to be referred and passed to the General Legislation Committee


HF2607 SF2209 was presented by Representative Duffield and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF2607 SF2209 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF2607 SF2209 : Health plans clarified to require coverage of gender-affirming care." and the roll was called. There were 5 Yeas and 10 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Nay
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Nay
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Not Voted
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Not Voted
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Nay
Senator Shelby Lutz : Not Voted
Representative Lorelei Macon : Nay
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Not Voted
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Nay


Chair Volker announced the motion failed. 




HF0123 SF0005 A bill for an act relating to Providing free school lunch and breakfast for students.


Author: Representative Mary Mangan


Representative Mangan motions to send HF0123 SF0005 to be referred and passed to the Education Committee


HF0123 SF0005 was presented by Representative Mangan and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0123 SF0005 to be referred to the Education Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Education Committee on HF0123 SF0005 : Providing free school lunch and breakfast for students." and the roll was called. There were 18 Yeas and 0 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Not Voted
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed. 




SF5491 HF5454 A bill for an act relating to Minnesota Live Musical Theater Production Grant Pilot Program appropriation.


Author: Representative Adam Burchill


Representative Bruchill motions to send SF5491 HF5454 to be referred and passed to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


SF5491 HF5454 was presented by Representative Bruchill and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF5491 HF5454 to be referred to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on SF5491 HF5454 : Minnesota Live Musical Theater Production Grant Pilot Program appropriation." and the roll was called. There were 15 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Not Voted
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Not Voted
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Not Voted
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.




HF0758 SF556 A bill for an act relating to Landlord prohibited from taking actions that encourage or require tenant to declaw or devocalize animal, and civil penalties authorized.


Author: Representative Afton Mueller


Representative Mueller motions to send HF0758 SF556 to be referred and passed to the Rules Committee


HF0758 SF556 was presented by Representative Mueller and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0758 SF556 to be referred to the Rules Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF0758 SF556 : Landlord prohibited from taking actions that encourage or require tenant to declaw or devocalize animal, and civil penalties authorized." and the roll was called. There were 13 Yeas and 3 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Not Voted
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Not Voted
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Not Voted
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Nay
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed





HF0271 SF0183 A bill for an act relating to Education; no exclusionary discipline provided.


Author: Representative Ella Woxland


Representative Woxland motions to send HF0271 SF0183 to be referred and passed to the Rules Committee


HF0271 SF0183 was presented by Representative Woxland and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0271 SF0183 to be referred to the Rules Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF0271 SF0183: Education; no exclusionary discipline provided." and the roll was called. There were 4 Yeas and 13 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Not Voted
Senator Beth Carlson : Nay
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Landon Dahl : Nay
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Nay
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Not Voted
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Nay
Senator Shelby Lutz : Nay
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Nay
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Nay


Chair Volker announced the motion failed. 




HF0014 SF1116 A bill for an act relating to Criminal background checks required for firearms transfers, and grounds for disqualification of transferee permit modified.


Author: Representative Ethan Lanning


Representative Lanning motions to send HF0014 SF1116 to be referred and passed to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


HF0014 SF1116 was presented by Representative Lanning and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Vice Chair Hansen motions for a vote by roll call to have HF0014 SF1116 to be referred to the Ways and Means and Taxes Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF0014 SF1116: Criminal background checks required for firearms transfers, and grounds for disqualification of transferee permit modified." and the roll was called. There were 9 Yeas and 8 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Nay
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Nay
Senator Shelby Lutz : Not Voted
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Nay
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Nay
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Not Voted


Vice Chair Hansen announced the motion prevailed.



SF4488 HF4649 A bill for an act relating to Child passenger restraint provisions modifications


Author: Representative Emi Holey


Representative Holey motions to send SF4488 HF4649 to be referred and passed to the Commerce Committee


SF4488 HF4649 was presented by Representative Holey and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have SF4488 HF4649 to be referred to the Commerce Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Commerce Committee on SF4488 HF4649: Child passenger restraint provisions modifications" and the roll was called. There were 10 Yeas and 3 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Not Voted
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Not Voted
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Not Voted
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Not Voted
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Not Voted
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Nay
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Not Voted
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed.





HF2302 SF2386 A bill for an act relating to Health professional education loan forgiveness program modified, and money appropriated.


Author: Representative Monica Brand


Representative Brand motions to send HF2302 SF2386 to be referred and passed to the General Legislation Committee


HF2302 SF2386 was presented by Representative Brand and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF2302 SF2386 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF2302 SF2386: Health professional education loan forgiveness program modified, and money appropriated." and the roll was called. There were 17 Yeas and 1 Nay.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Not Voted
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Yea
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed






HF5487 SF5222 A bill for an act relating to Library services for blind and print disabled persons awareness requirements modified.


Author: Representative Kristen Hillery


Representative Hillery motions to send HF5487 SF5222 to be referred and passed to the General Legislation Committee


HF5487 SF5222 was presented by Representative Hillery and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF5487 SF5222 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF5487 SF5222: Library services for blind and print disabled persons awareness requirements modified." and the roll was called. There were 15 Yeas and 2 Nays.

Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Representative Braden Danielson : Yea
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Yea
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Not Voted
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Nay
Representative Harrison Meek : Not Voted
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Nay
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea






HF5233 SF4400 A bill for an act relating to Higher education legacy admissions prohibited.


Author: Representative Kellen Groth 


Representative Groth motions to send HF5233 SF4400 to be reffered and passed to the General Legislation Committee


HF5233 SF4400 was presented by Representative Groth and discussed by members of the Health and Human Services Committee


Chair Volker motions for a vote by roll call to have HF5233 SF4400 to be referred to the General Legislation Committee


The question was taken for "Vote in Health and Human Services Committee on HF5233 SF4400 : Higher education legacy admissions prohibited." and the roll was called. There were 15 Yeas and 4 Nays.


Representative Kaia Bellock-Drinkall : Yea
Senator Beth Carlson : Yea
Representative Landon Dahl : Yea
Senator Heiden Dahl : Nay
Representative Braden Danielson : Nay
Senator Kennedy Diepenbrock : Yea
Senator Ari Gaul : Yea
Representative Vivian Hansen : Yea
Senator Miley Knutson : Nay
Senator Carson Laumb : Yea
Senator Shelby Lutz : Nay
Representative Lorelei Macon : Yea
Representative Mary Mangan : Yea
Senator Caden Mattson : Yea
Representative Harrison Meek : Yea
Senator Hunter Rislov : Yea
Representative Karissa Ronnenberg : Not Voted
Representative Archer Snow : Yea
Representative Conner Vaughn : Yea
Representative Andrea Volker : Yea


Chair Volker announced the motion prevailed 



The committee adjourned at 11:00 AM