My bill, known as free reduced lunches 2024, would be useful to schools for many reasons. The most important reason being reduced food insecurity meaning children who receive free reduced lunch are less likely to experience household food insecurities helping thousands of families in minnesota. Every 4 out of 10 children in minneapolis public schools receive free or reduced lunches and i believe those 4 out of 10 children matter to CONTINUE to recieve support from our federal government. According to 2021 data from the bureau of labor statistics, the average spending on food at home is $5,259 annually, or about $438 per month for U.s. Households. This helps prove that free lunches does indeed help low income families at home save money on food reducing financial burdens.
This bill does in fact have cons an article on cbs news states our free reduced lunch program are projected to go over budget $176 million by 2027 causing significant government investment. Some argue that the funds could be spent better on other priorities and makes it unfair to high income families who are able to provide for their children at the expense of tax payers. another benefit is improved nutrtion for children school wide that they might not recieve at home. Providing all children with fruits, vegetables, and milk making children less likely to have nutrient DEFICIENCIES.
In conclusion the pros outweigh the cons free or reduced lunches help all FAMILIES at home and children at school making it a healthier and efficient environment at school helping those make it through a 8 hour school day with great proficient performance. Leaving families with extra money to help provide for the cost of living.