African American's don't have any holidays that celebrate African freedom. State holidays celebrate the majority of white successes. " " Holidays " include Memorial Day... Veterans Day ... Thanksgiving.. Christopher Columbus Day.. July 4th... " In section 2 of the Bill text it shows us that holidays have been created by white people. Juneteenth becoming a state wide holiday shows that African Americans are being heard and seen not just by African Americans.
Making Juneteenth a law would make teachers teach about Juneteenth in classes and coerces. Teachers pick and choose if they want to talk about Juneteenth because it's not required for them to do so. Students around North America don't learn about Juneteenth until the 8th grade almost high school. Students learn about slavery but they don't learn when and why it ended. Juneteenth being taught and talked about would be everyone acknowledging the day and not just African Americans.
African Americans have been acknowledging Juneteenth since 1889 but the governor has the power to add more actions that would give Africans Americans more power to celebrate.The bill states how African Americans have taken power over the day and acknowledging the day on their own. In the Bill of right it says along lines 1.12-1.13 " juneteenth and emancipation celebrations have been commonplace in Minnesota since 1889 as a result of community - based grassroots efforts." This line is stating that the communities in Minnesota have come together and celebrated as a whole. To make a holiday in a state it has to go through the governor.
In the state of Minnesota every year the governor has the power to establish Juneteenth as a holiday. While living in Minnesota our Governor Tim Walz said " creating Juneteenth as a state holiday is a long overdue celebration of independence " African Americans living in Minnesota appreciate Tim Walz saying that because it shows that he sees and cares about the history behind the holiday. Tim Walz has the power to make Juneteenth a holiday but hasn't used it to this day. If Tim Walz says things like the holiday is long overdue for a celebration , why not make it a state wide holiday in Minnesota yet?
Juneteenth is to be celebrated for the ending of slavery in 1865. Slavery played a big part of African Americans history and America's history period. History says that America was built off of slavery and what African Americans did and played a big role in. In 1865 , Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation at the end of the American Civil War. These points are just some of the many reasons why Juneteenth should become a holiday in every state.