The Early Childhood mental health consultation bill is set to help young children with things such as mental health, feelings, and education. This bill focuses on the guidance that a young child needs to connect with others, communicate with others, develop, and grow in a positive way. This bill could help families financially, especially for those who may not have the money to pay for their child’s therapy/consultations. The moment a baby is born, they immediately adapt to the world. Many young children spend time with their parents/ guardians. However, all children are different, and it’s not always easy for a child to communicate with others. This later affects the child, and in most cases, children become rebellious or they disconnect with the world around them. The way a child is raised is a huge part of their future because as children, they do the things they see. Even if this doesn't apply to all children, it is important that every child knows that they have the support from others. If we could have a bill that affects children in a positive way, we could see future generations do well with their mental health. Some people may think it's crazy that a young child deals with mental health issues, but it's actually pretty common. There’s a lot more psychology included, but overall, it's important to guide and help those young kids who need help. With this being said, this bill should be considered to become a law in Minnesota because of the impact it will have on young children now, and in the future.