My Bill: Admission fees prohibited
My bill HF3125 states that people should pay for athletic events, school concerts, school spirit assemblies and any other extra curricular activities that contain competitions with students or public spectators, or other k-12 in which students are participating.
All legislators should vote yes about prohibiting admission fees:
Funding-Governments can provide subsidies or grants;nonprofits and donors can offer sponsorship; corporate sponsors can fund programs in exchange for branding;scholarships can cover fees for eligible students; and crowdfunding can raise funds from communities
Financial Problems-I feel that lowering admission fees can make access more affordable and inclusive, potentially increasing attendance and participation.But it might reduce the revenue needed for maintenance, staffing, and program quality.
While I was asking the Athletic Director about where the money for the game goes and why its important to this bill, I started to disapprove banning this fee.One reason why I feel this way is because they generate revenue to maintain facilities, fund operations, support staff, and improve services or experiences. They also help regulate attendance and ensure only genuinely interested individuals participate.
In conclusion
I think that this bill shouldn’t pass because even though everyone might not be financially stable enough, I feel that any bill i want to pass should at least be fair to both sides
Source: Athletic director