My bill is house file 663. To give a very brief summary on my bill, it allows permitted and trained school staff to carry a firearm on school grounds. That might sound scary at first, but once you hear more in depth it should calm the nerves a bit.
To go more in depth the permitted and trained school staff will have to go through very intense background checks, training to regain the right to carry on school grounds once every year. That training will be paid for by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. The school staff may apply to the sherrif, and the sheriff is allowed to deny the right to anyone he wants to without giving a reason why.
The permit to carry on school grounds may be taken away at anytime if the person seems unfit to have that right. The training must be done once a year to continue to have the right to carry on school grounds. If the training is not completed that right will be taken away from the school staff.
I see this bil may have some down sides, students may be nervous that a teacher, or someone of higher authority than themselves may possess the right to carry a firearm because they don’t want them to get angry and pull the gun out. That is very unlikely to happen because they must go through very exensive background checks before they are even able to submit to get the permit, and even if they pass the background check, they must apply to the sheriff. If the sheriff sees the person as unfit for the permit he can deny the right to get the permit. Lastly the teacher or trained school staff may not tell the students that they have the permit, the only reason they are allowed to take the firearm out is in the situation of an active shooter. used for the first 3 paragraphs used for the last paragraph