The practice of declawing a cat causes many life long issues for felines. Such as paw pain, back pain, and possible infection. Improperly removed claws may grow back and cause nerve damage. The removal of claw change the way the cats feet touch the ground resulting on great discomfort.
By declawing you remove the first knuckle of the paw. Doing so you remove the cats first line of defense when they feel threatened. Many cats after being declawed become more aggressive, due to the fact they are not as capable to defend themselves if needed.
With the declawing process some cats have long-lasting pain and can experience problems with walking, running, and climbing. Additionally some cats after being declawed develop other unwanted behavioral issues. Such as aggression and urinating outside of the litter box.
Sometimes declawing is medically needed. If a cat has a tumor on the toe or has some severe injury a vet may decide to amputate the toe. Additionally some claim that by declawing a cat one might save their life from being euthanized. Because owners don’t want a cat with defstructive tendencies. Declawing can also allow an owner to keep a cat that scratches (intentionally or unintentionally), especially if the owner is immuno-compromized or ill.