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Title Status Originating chamber Introduced by Delegation Description Committees Bill ID Modified
HF1833 SF1888
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/3)
Senate Ty Bergner Winona State University Release of peace officer recordings from portable recording systems required when there is deadly force Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 486
HF0827 SF0680
Education Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Jeremia Bernard Winona State University Teacher preparation time provisions modified. Education Committee, Rules Committee 76
HF0620 SF0502
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Rianne Buck Winona State University Paraprofessional paid orientation required. Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 116
HF2043 SF2158
Education Committee In Committee (1/5)
Governor Anna Clausen Winona State University Farm-to-school program established, and money appropriated. Education Committee, Commerce Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 81
HF1234 SF1959
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/5)
House Nicholas Faddler Winona State University Peace officer and firefighter duty disability provisions modified, report required, and money appropriated. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 61
HF1937 SF2247
Senate Luke Habeck Winona State University Veterans and Military Affairs Finance Bill. General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 66
HF4925 SF5233
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/2)
Senate Garrett Haugen Winona State University Job accommodation request form for an employee with known disability required. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 91
HF0864 SF0314 Senate Evan Huettl Winona State University Game and fish; shotgun zone for taking deer eliminated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 96
HF0284 SF0773
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/3)
Senate Ben Kutz Winona State University Helmets to Hard Hats Minnesota initiative funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 111
HF0123 SF0005
Education Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Mary Mangan Winona State University Providing free school lunch and breakfast for students. Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 226
HF0048 SF0013
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Harrison Meek Winona State University Juneteenth; June 19 recognized as a state holiday. Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 141
HF5299 SF5326
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Gene Pelowski Winona State University Higher education; funding and related policy changes provided to bonding, licensure, and grant provisions; fees established; and money appropriated. Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 101
HF1109 SF1000
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Nolan Polson Winona State University Education Savings Accounts for Minnesota Students Act. Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 146
HF0028 SF0026
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Abigail Scott Winona State University Right to vote restored to individuals convicted of a felony upon completion of any term of incarceration imposed and executed by a court for the offense, and money appropriated. General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 106
HF0905 SF0836
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Ryan Stirrat Winona State University Minors age 16 or older authorized to consent to nonresidential mental health services. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 126
HF0441 SF2372
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Skyler VanLoan Winona State University Exception to tobacco in public schools created. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 86
HF0117 SF0288
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Brennan Wallace Winona State University Political activities by foreign-influenced corporations prohibited, certification of compliance required, and candidates prohibited from accepting contributions. Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 136
HF0011 SF0011
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Carter Wenzler Winona State University State rent assistance program established for low-income, cost-burdened households; and money appropriated. Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 121
HF3469 SF3968
Environmental and Agriculture Committee Failed (2/5)
House Archer Snow Winona Area Public Schools SNAP established as medicine program, and money appropriated. Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 526
SF2236 HF2280
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/5)
Rachel Cowgill Winona Area Public Schools Gender-Affirming Rights Act Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 531
SF4342 HF4215
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
House Vivian Hansen Cotter Schools Grant funding appropriation to train and make therapy dogs available to law enforcement officers who are suffering from job-related trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 536
SF0553 HF0949
Education Committee Failed (3/5)
House Thomas Puetz Cotter Schools Safety education requirement and certain watercraft operators permission. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Transportation Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 541
SF5097 HF5049
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
Senate Beth Carlson City of Lewiston Parental rights for those with disabilities provisions Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1356
HF3590 SF3484
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (3/5)
House Steven Kreisel Winona Area Public Schools Education; nasal opiate antagonists required in first aid kits. Education Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1291
SF0476 HF2297
Education Committee In Committee (1/5)
Senate Mia Rivera Cotter Schools Climate justice instruction for school districts and charter schools requirement. Education Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Transportation Committee, Rules Committee 581
General Legislation Committee Failed (1/3)
Senate Eliza Schroeder Rushford-Peterson Schools Use of social media for minors ages 15 and younger regulated, and anonymous age verification required for websites harmful to minors. General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 596
HF0247 SF0682
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Wyatt Pohlman Rushford-Peterson Schools Criminal penalty established for substantial bodily harm caused by response for fictitious emergency, and restitution provided for public agencies and victims affected by reporting of fictitious emergency. Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 686
HF0017 SF0168
Governor Vetoed
House Andrea Volker Rushford-Peterson Schools Generic or off-patent drugs; excessive price increases prohibited, attorney general authorized to take action against price increases, sale withdrawal prohibited, prescription drug affordability board and advisory council established, prescription drug co Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 616
HF3876 SF5014
Commerce Committee Failed (1/4)
House Cade Hanson Rushford-Peterson Schools Fishing license fees reduced for persons 65 years of age and older, and money transferred. Commerce Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 691
HF0666 SF0512
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Abagail Fenske Rushford-Peterson Schools Right established for patient or resident to choose to have support person present while receiving care or services. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 966
HF1276 SF1317
General Legislation Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Lindsey Hoiness Rushford-Peterson Schools Sale of dogs and cats by retail pet shops prohibited. Commerce Committee, General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 631
HF4153 SF3587
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (3/4)
House Kloey Merchlewitz Rushford-Peterson Schools Landlords required to disclose that an assistance animal is not subject to a pet fee. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2136
HF5274 SF5354
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/5)
Senate Quintin Betthauser Rushford-Peterson Schools Gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests authorized, licenses established, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, charitable gambling Judiciary Committee, Commerce Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 921
HF4639 SF4533
General Legislation Committee Failed (2/3)
House Jonah Bunke Rushford-Peterson Schools Baiting of deer authorized. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 841
HF2389 SF2037
Governor Signed
House Domanick Corcoran Rushford-Peterson Schools Funding provided to address invasive carp, and money appropriated. Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 1226
HF4139 SF3808
Senate Passed
Senate Heiden Dahl Rushford-Peterson Schools Shotgun zone for taking deer eliminated, and report required. Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 751
HF2607 SF2209
Health and Human Services Committee Failed (1/4)
House Chloe Duffield Rushford-Peterson Schools Health plans clarified to require coverage of gender-affirming care. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1231
HF3777 SF3853
Senate In Senate
House Michael Evenson Rushford-Peterson Schools Persons 17 years of age permitted to serve alcoholic beverages. Commerce Committee, General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 946
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/3)
Senate Greggory Gile Rushford-Peterson Schools State veterans cemetery burial fee removed for spouses and dependents of eligible veterans. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 911
HF4317 SF3813
Environmental and Agriculture Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Kail Heiden Rushford-Peterson Schools Driving rules for implements of husbandry modified. Transportation Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 901
SF3803 HF4090
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee Failed (3/4)
House Matthew Hengel Rushford-Peterson Schools Minnesota Sports Betting Act 2.0 Commerce Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 781
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee Passed (3/4)
Senate Caden Johnson Rushford-Peterson Schools Next generation farmer development program established, reports required, and money appropriated. General Legislation Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 856
HF2609 SF5153
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
House Dylan Kryzer Rushford-Peterson Schools Gun trafficking investigations and firearm seizures report required by Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and Violent Crime Enforcement Teams, trigger activator definition amended, and transferring firearms to persons who are ineligible to possess firearms p General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1216
HF5241 SF5154
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Giselle Kahoun Rushford-Peterson Schools Energy generating facilities required to be certified as child labor free, and certain products required to be certified as child labor free. Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 896
HF0368 SF0366
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
Senate Shelby Lutz Rushford-Peterson Schools Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation prohibited. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 866
SF0181 HF0661
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Ryan Mcneill Rushford-Peterson Schools Law on use of force in defense of home and person clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, common law duty to retreat outside the home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling expanded, presumption created, and rights available to Judiciary Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 906
HF3490 SF3416
Senate In Senate
Senate Haylee Payne Rushford-Peterson Schools Calcified human remains sale prohibited, and felony offense established. Transportation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 771
HF5409 SF5518
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Hailee Peterson Rushford-Peterson Schools Age verification required for websites with material harmful to minors, enforcement by attorney general provided, and private right of action created. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 991
Rules Committee Passed (4/4)
Senate Larissa Ryan Rushford-Peterson Schools Available and affordable health care guarantee for every Minnesota Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2396
HF1972 SF2446
Senate In Senate
House Matthew Maynard Rushford-Peterson Schools Portion of motor vehicle registration taxes allocated to small cities and townships. Transportation Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 636
HF3188 SF3130
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Delaney Vaughn Rushford-Peterson Schools Kids In Need Foundation grant funding provided, and money appropriated. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 641
HF0023 SF0207
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
Senate Lucas Brand Rushford-Peterson Schools Safe workplaces for meat and poultry processing workers provided, report required, and money appropriated. Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 646
HF4911 SF4747
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
Karissa Ronnenberg Rushford-Peterson Schools Child welfare responses for educational neglect modified, and money appropriated. Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 656
SF4134 HF3739
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (4/5)
Senate Jackson Gondola Winona Area Public Schools Microplastics in meat and poultry study requirement and appropriation General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 736
SF2586 HF2732
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (3/4)
Senate Isabella Steffes Winona Area Public Schools Health care providers providing patients with health information and services that are medically accurate; evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient authorization; informed consent requirements before abortions may be performed repeal Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 666
SF1174 HF1198
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Hannah Schollmeier Rushford-Peterson Schools Children's mental health provisions modifications and appropriations Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1276
HF5199 SF4976
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Laci Sievers Rushford-Peterson Schools Health plans required to develop maternal mental health program, maternal mental health terms defined, and certain health care professionals required to ensure that mothers are offered screenings for maternal mental health conditions. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 861
HF0663 SF0090
General Legislation Committee In Committee (2/4)
Senate Evan Stafford Rushford-Peterson Schools Permitted and trained school staff allowed to carry firearms. Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 936
HF4053 SF3967
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Addison Thompson Rushford-Peterson Schools Health plan coverage of abortion and related services required, medical assistance required, and conforming changes made. General Legislation Committee, Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 761
HF0196 SF0149
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Foster Wilcenski Rushford-Peterson Schools Fuel adjustment provided for nonemergency medical transportation and ambulance service reimbursement. Health and Human Services Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 971
HF0886 SF0547
General Legislation Committee Failed (1/3)
House Devin Anderson Rushford-Peterson Schools Constitutional right to carry firearm recognized. General Legislation Committee, Commerce Committee, Rules Committee 956
SF2128 HF1587
Environmental and Agriculture Committee In Committee (1/5)
House Autumn Bearbower Rushford-Peterson Schools Omnibus Agriculture policy bill Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Rules Committee 746
HF4955 SF2132
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/4)
Senate Jonah Buchanan Rushford-Peterson Schools Use of ground lights on motorcycles authorized to increase visibility at night. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Transportation Committee, Rules Committee 926
Environmental and Agriculture Committee In Committee (1/4)
Governor Cadel Carter Rushford-Peterson Schools Nonlethal beaver management grant program establishment and appropriation Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 976
HF4181 SF4242
Transportation Committee Passed (2/4)
House Braden Danielson Rushford-Peterson Schools All-terrain vehicle trail funding provided, and money appropriated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 851
HF5101 SF5054
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (1/3)
Senate Lily Forrester Rushford-Peterson Schools Cannabis advertisement limitations modified. Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 916
HF0651 SF0901
House In House
House Kenna Gudmundson Rushford-Peterson Schools Personal finance class required for high school graduation, personal finance seal established for teacher licensure, and rulemaking authorized. Education Committee, Commerce Committee, Rules Committee 756
Education Committee Failed (2/4)
House Nevaeh Happel Rushford-Peterson Schools Female sports team participation restricted to female sex. Transportation Committee, Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 961
HF0453 SF0321
General Legislation Committee In Committee (2/4)
Senate Quinell Harris Rushford-Peterson Schools Persons 17 years of age permitted to serve alcoholic beverages. Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Commerce Committee, Rules Committee 1221
HF5374 SF5174
Transportation Committee In Committee (1/3)
Governor Ross Heiden Rushford-Peterson Schools Motorcycles allowed to split lanes under certain circumstances, public awareness campaign required, and money appropriated. Transportation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 891
HF2364 SF0927
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (4/5)
House Damon Hubbard Rushford-Peterson Schools Petroleum products transporting requirements amended. Transportation Committee, Commerce Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 876
General Legislation Committee In Committee (3/5)
Senate Abigail Johanson Rushford-Peterson Schools Elective declawing of cats prohibited, and civil penalties imposed. Commerce Committee, Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 886
HF0006 SF0006
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Kiara Johnson Rushford-Peterson Schools Price gouging prohibited during an abnormal market disruption, and penalties prescribed. Commerce Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 931
HF4946 SF4928
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/5)
House Brady Keenan Rushford-Peterson Schools Criminal penalty for concealing dead body increased. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 766
HF2669 SF3134
Commerce Committee Failed (2/4)
Senate Carson Laumb Rushford-Peterson Schools Conversion of human remains to basic elements using natural organic reduction permitted, licensure requirements for natural organic reduction facilities established, and licensure fees established. Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2111
HF3144 SF3176
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Alaina Meier Rushford-Peterson Schools Minor age 16 or 17 allowed to operate patient lifts in long-term care settings. Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 871
HF1794 SF0560
Governor Signed
House Isaac Oian Rushford-Peterson Schools Beginning farmer tax credit eligibility expanded. Commerce Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 846
SF0001 HF0001
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
Senate Macy Rye Rushford-Peterson Schools Protect Reproductive Options Act; fundamental right to reproductive health established. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 776
HF3809 SF4301
Environmental and Agriculture Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Noah Anderson Rushford-Peterson Schools Elk provisions modified. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1176
HF3923 SF3764
Transportation Committee Failed (1/3)
House Christo Badenhorst Rushford-Peterson Schools Town roads and bridges funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1096
HF4715 SF4809
Education Committee In Committee (2/3)
Senate Mackenzie Bauer Rushford-Peterson Schools School activities prohibited from being scheduled at certain times. Transportation Committee, Education Committee, Rules Committee 1336
HF2302 SF2386
General Legislation Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Monica Brand Rushford-Peterson Schools Health professional education loan forgiveness program modified, and money appropriated. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 996
HF3658 SF3672
House In House
House Landon Dahl Rushford-Peterson Schools Cities required to purchase insurance for property damage claims. Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Transportation Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1006
HF3742 SF1468
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
Senate Gabriella Danfield Rushford-Peterson Schools Mental health screening for students required, student mental health supports revenue created, and money appropriated. Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1261
HF3934 SF4014
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee Failed (3/4)
House Jace Dvorak Rushford-Peterson Schools Minnesota Sports and Events grant funding provided, and money appropriated. General Legislation Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1151
HF0183 SF0558
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Jamison Eichacker Rushford-Peterson Schools Minnesota professional sports team foundation special license plates established. Transportation Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1086
SF0860 HF0915
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
Senate Audrey Frick Rushford-Peterson Schools Minnesota education credit expansion Commerce Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1201
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
Senate Morgan Guyer Rushford-Peterson Schools Castration or sterilization of minors criminalization Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Transportation Committee, Rules Committee 1171
HF0662 SF0088
General Legislation Committee Failed (1/4)
House Brianna Horning Rushford-Peterson Schools Right to carry without a permit provided, and optional permit to carry provided. General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Transportation Committee, Rules Committee 1321
SF0313 HF0351
Transportation Committee Failed (2/4)
Senate Colten Jenkins Rushford-Peterson Schools Sales tax exemption for certain construction materials establishment Commerce Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1106
HF0833 SF0713
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
Avery Kammerer Rushford-Peterson Schools Use of crossbows expanded during firearms deer season. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 1206
Health and Human Services Committee Passed (2/4)
House William Lafleur Rushford-Peterson Schools Use of crossbows expanded during firearms deer season. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 1101
HF1765 SF1800
Judiciary Committee Failed (2/4)
Senate Caden Mattson Rushford-Peterson Schools Retired law enforcement officers permitted to carry firearms in schools. Education Committee, Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1146
HF5393 SF5432
General Legislation Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Gradien Merchlewitz Rushford-Peterson Schools Angling and deer hunting license fees reduced for individuals ages 70 and older. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1186
HF2597 SF2534
Education Committee Failed (1/4)
House Isaac Rasmussen Rushford-Peterson Schools 4-H shooting sports events participation funding provided, and money appropriated. Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1051
HF0047 SF0039
Commerce Committee Failed (1/5)
Senate Megan Rislove Rushford-Peterson Schools Pollinator research funding provided, and money transferred. Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1071
HF4987 SF4895
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Madelyn Ruberg Rushford-Peterson Schools Driver's license online knowledge testing provisions modified. General Legislation Committee, Commerce Committee, Transportation Committee, Rules Committee 1036
HF1182 SF1292
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Zowie Short Rushford-Peterson Schools Grounds required for a peace officer to use deadly force modified. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1301
HF4300 SF4312
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (3/4)
Senate Maxwell Smith Rushford-Peterson Schools Firearm safe storage standards established and criminal penalties provided for failing to meet those standards, and money appropriated. Transportation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2096
HF0005 SF0123
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/5)
House Mckenna Smith Rushford-Peterson Schools Free school lunch and breakfast provided for students, and money appropriated. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1091
HF0472 SF1666
Senate In Senate
House Conner Vaughn Rushford-Peterson Schools Enhanced penalties provided for assaulting a sports official. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Rules Committee 1021
Senate Passed
Senate Landon Volkman Rushford-Peterson Schools Economic and workforce grants that exceed a certain dollar amount reporting and consultation requirement provision Commerce Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1081
HF7000 SF7000
House In House
House Lillian West Rushford-Peterson Schools Requirements for leasing state land and management practices. Commerce Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1326
HF0271 SF0183
Health and Human Services Committee Failed (2/3)
House Ella Woxland Rushford-Peterson Schools Education; nonexclusionary discipline provided. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1111
HF2098 SF2026
Judiciary Committee Failed (2/5)
Senate Hunter York Rushford-Peterson Schools Traffic safety camera enforcement authorized, pilot program created, petty misdemeanor penalties imposed, reports required, and money appropriated. Transportation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1266
HF0239 SF0759
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Nerisse Laiacona-Hermanson Rushford-Peterson Schools Hospice respite and end-of-life care medical assistance benefit established for individuals under the age of 22. Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2371
HF5053 SF5165
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Zachary Baker Rushford-Peterson Schools Emergency medical services volunteer education cost reimbursement modified, and carryforward of certain appropriations authorized. Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1076
HF4999 SF5051
Education Committee Failed (2/4)
Senate Cambria Bauer Rushford-Peterson Schools Plant-based school lunch option required. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1141
HF0234 SF0612
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee Failed (2/3)
House Avree Connaughty Rushford-Peterson Schools Game and fish; provisions for taking turtles modified. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1061
HF0392 SF0370
Transportation Committee Passed (1/4)
House Gabriel Cummer Rushford-Peterson Schools Taxation provisions modified, and unmarked police cars exempted from motor vehicle sales tax. Transportation Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1191
HF4793 SF4037
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
Senate Kennedy Diepenbrock Rushford-Peterson Schools Child maltreatment reporting modified, and criminal penalty for preventing report created. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Education Committee, Rules Committee 1256
Senate In Senate
House Elaine Griffin Rushford-Peterson Schools Exemptions from taxes and fees for eligible surviving spouses of a veteran established, including registration taxes, license plate fees, title fees, driver's license and identification card fees, and motor vehicle sales tax. Transportation Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1341
HF2384 SF2316
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (3/4)
House Nadia Happel Rushford-Peterson Schools Minnesota Sports and Events grant funding provided, and money appropriated. General Legislation Committee, Transportation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1001
HF2444 SF1670
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
Senate Treyten Hegland Rushford-Peterson Schools Exclusions from inheriting from or through a child modified. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1241
HF1086 SF0724
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Ava Helgemoe Rushford-Peterson Schools Education; participation in athletic teams provided. Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1046
HF7050 SF7050
Transportation Committee Failed (1/4)
House Evelyn Hertling Rushford-Peterson Schools Prohibit the Spilling of Cow Manure onto County Highways Transportation Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1251
HF3542 SF3369
Senate In Senate
Senate Adalynn Hoel Rushford-Peterson Schools District required to adopt a policy allowing space for mental health care. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1161
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Lauren Jewison Rushford-Peterson Schools Children; definition of neglect modified. Judiciary Committee, Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1011
HF2087 SF1830
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (4/5)
Senate Miley Knutson Rushford-Peterson Schools Medical assistance reimbursement rates increased for home care nursing. Commerce Committee, Transportation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 881
HF0014 SF1116
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (4/5)
House Ethan Lanning Rushford-Peterson Schools Criminal background checks required for firearms transfers, and grounds for disqualification of transferee permit modified. Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1026
HF4321 SF4328
General Legislation Committee In Committee (1/4)
Senate Christian Lindmeier Rushford-Peterson Schools Criminal penalties for human trafficking offenses increased, sanctuary cities prohibited, and reports required. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 981
Rules Committee Failed (3/3)
House Kayla Magin Rushford-Peterson Schools Cities permitted to issue on-sale licenses and list of licensees modified to include golf courses. Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1066
HF2716 SF2565
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Jaxson Meldahl Rushford-Peterson Schools Age limitation for hunting with crossbow during regular archery seasons removed. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Rules Committee 1331
HF0660 SF0092
General Legislation Committee Failed (1/5)
Senate Aaron Ploetz Rushford-Peterson Schools Age of eligibility established to apply for permit to carry a pistol at 18 years of age. General Legislation Committee, Commerce Committee, Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1156
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
House Quinn Potter Rushford-Peterson Schools Veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, and practice of veterinary technology regulated. Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1041
House In House
House Nathaniel Redig Rushford-Peterson Schools Governor Tim Walz Rebate Check Act of 2023 General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1056
HF5423 SF5533
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
Senate Hunter Rislov Rushford-Peterson Schools Certain buildings required to meet energy performance standards, and money appropriated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1031
HF4176 SF4590
Transportation Committee Passed (2/3)
House Torryn Schneider Rushford-Peterson Schools Early learning programs modified. Education Committee, Transportation Committee, Rules Committee 1016
HF1212 SF1482
Governor Signed
Senate Carter Skree Rushford-Peterson Schools Rochester; park-and-ride parking facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Transportation Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 986
HF0238 SF0652
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Alexa Smith Rushford-Peterson Schools Children and families finance bill. Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1181
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
Senate Shelby Smith Rushford-Peterson Schools Biological fathers' eligibility addition to request Minnesota Fathers' Adoption Registry search Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1166
HF0831 SF0371
General Legislation Committee In Committee (2/4)
Senate Shelby Tesch Rushford-Peterson Schools Housing Finance Agency; reasonable pet policies required in buildings financed by agency. Commerce Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1211
HF0002 SF0002
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/5)
House Ezra Wojahn Rushford-Peterson Schools Paid family, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; income tax withholdings authorized and taxes imposed; penalties authorized; actuarial report required; and money appropriated. Judiciary Committee, Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2101
HF1452 SF0324
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Ava Worrell Rushford-Peterson Schools Foster children Social Security numbers requirements established. Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2376
HF3528 SF5423
Rules Committee Failed (4/4)
Senate Emily Benke Winona Area Public Schools Retail Worker and Consumer Safety Violence Prevention Act established, report required, and penalties imposed. Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 731
SF0089 HF0657
Judiciary Committee Failed (3/4)
Senate Nathan Kiehne Cotter Schools Denial of the right to purchase, own, possess or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is enrolled as a patient in the medical cannabis registry prohibition. Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 741
SF4559 HF4573
Environmental and Agriculture Committee In Committee (1/4)
Senate Annie Hang Winona Area Public Schools Independent School District No. 99, Esko; funding provided for American Indian mascot removal and replacement costs; and money appropriated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 786
HF4655 SF4703
General Legislation Committee In Committee (3/5)
House Kinsley Keeling Winona Area Public Schools Bird hatching banned in schools. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 791
HF2651 SF2555
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Caleb Mueller Winona Area Public Schools Penalty for assaulting police officer enhanced. Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 796
HF5233 SF4400
General Legislation Committee In Committee (3/4)
House Kellen Groth Cotter Schools Higher education legacy admissions prohibited. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 801
SF5422 HF5186
General Legislation Committee Failed (2/3)
Senate Brayden Tremain Winona Area Public Schools Corporate franchise tax rate reduction provision Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 941
SF5345 HF5264
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/5)
Senate Benny Kimber Bluffview Montessori School Right of patients and residents to have a support person present when receiving health care services established, and civil penalty established. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 951
SF4488 HF4649
Commerce Committee In Committee (3/4)
House Emi Holey Bluffview Montessori School Child passenger restraint provisions modifications Transportation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Rules Committee 1306
SF4517 HF4551
General Legislation Committee In Committee (3/4)
House Jace Burda Bluffview Montessori School Open season required for wolves, government agents prohibited from engaging in federal wolf law enforcement, and report required. Commerce Committee, Environmental and Agriculture Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 2106
SF1832 HF1809
Health and Human Services Committee Passed (1/4)
Senate Adrianna Jones Cotter Schools Protect Reproductive Options Act Health and Human Services Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1116
HF5208 SF5232
Environmental and Agriculture Committee Failed (1/5)
House Bella Kaiser Cotter Schools Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority funding provided for retrofitting glass on professional football stadium for bird safety, and money appropriated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Transportation Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1121
SF5386 HF5267
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/5)
Senate Kaleb Kraker Cotter Schools Early Childhood supplemental appropriations. Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1126
SF5302 HF5212
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Kiera Pasche Cotter Schools Two Rivers High School music grant appropriation. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1246
SF5491 HF5454
Education Committee In Committee (2/4)
House Adam Burchill Cotter Schools Minnesota Live Musical Theater Production Grant Pilot Program appropriation. Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1131
HF3571 SF3529
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/5)
House Levi Schmidt Cotter Schools Attorney fees allowed to be awarded in defamation actions related to sexual harassment and assault. Judiciary Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1136
HF2156 SF0291
Senate In Senate
House Kaia Bellock-Drinkall Rushford-Peterson Schools Sudden cardiac arrest screening required for youth athletes. General Legislation Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Rules Committee 1196
HF5487 SF5222
Health and Human Services Committee Passed (1/5)
House Kirsten Hillery Winona Area Public Schools Library services for blind and print disabled persons awareness requirements modified. Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1236
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/5)
Senate Ashiiyah Alexander Winona Area Public Schools Emergency shelter for LGBTQIA+ youth experiencing homelessness needs analysis funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. Judiciary Committee, Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1281
SF3510 HF3479
Rules Committee Failed (4/4)
Senate Ari Gaul Winona Area Public Schools Insurers prohibition from requiring co-payments for children's mental health services Judiciary Committee, Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1286
HF5308 SF5363
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (2/4)
Senate Beatrice Sanders Winona Area Public Schools First aid and CPR training requirements for family child care providers modified. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1296
HF3509 SF3441
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/4)
House Ana Kaiser Cotter Schools Domestic abuse advocates prohibited from disclosing information. Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, General Legislation Committee, Rules Committee 1316
HF5471 SF5526
Commerce Committee Failed (1/4)
House Lorelei Macon Winona Area Public Schools Aviation museum funding provided, and money appropriated Commerce Committee, Education Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1346
HF0110 SF0389
Governor Signed
House Sawyer Lepsch Winona Area Public Schools Individuals at least 16 years of age permitted to preregister to vote. Transportation Committee, General Legislation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1351
SF0137 HF0184
Senate In Senate
Senate Keeli Meyer Winona Area Public Schools Permission to serve alcoholic beverages for persons that are 17 years of age Commerce Committee, Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1371
HF5463 SF5524
Environmental and Agriculture Committee Failed (1/5)
Senate Olin Overhaug Winona Area Public Schools Accessible school playgrounds grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Education Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1361
HF2619 SF1881
Rules Committee In Committee (4/4)
House Makayla Finnegan Winona Area Public Schools General education basic formula allowance increased, money directed to class size reduction, and money appropriated. Education Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 1366
HF0758 SF556
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee Passed (3/4)
House Afton Mueller Cotter Schools Landlord prohibited from taking actions that encourage or require tenant to declaw or devocalize animal, and civil penalties authorized. Commerce Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2086
HF0613 SF2500
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Nina Harris Rushford-Peterson Schools High school students allowed to earn elective credits through employment with health care providers. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 2126
HF0040 SF1710
Environmental and Agriculture Committee Failed (1/4)
House Ben Lloyd Minnesota State College Southeast Portable stands permanently allowed in wildlife management areas. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2401
HF0999 SF1015
House Failed
House Audric Gotz Homeschool Disability waiver rate system modified. Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2386
HF0920 SF0769
General Legislation Committee Failed (2/4)
Senate Lydia Wang Homeschool Camp Ripley Minnesota Military Museum funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Transportation Committee, General Legislation Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2381
HF2299 SF2311
Ways and Means and Taxes Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Archer Heiden Rushford-Peterson Schools Deer abatement and crop damage report funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. Environmental and Agriculture Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2391
HF4752 SF4484
Governor Received
House Edyson Schwendinger Rushford-Peterson Schools Firearm safety instruction in school required. Education Committee, Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means and Taxes Committee, Rules Committee 2406