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Title Status Originating chamber Introduced by Delegation Description Committees Bill ID Modified
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Dane Anderson Camden High School Ban on junk fees Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1381
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Shakira Bardney Camden High School High school students allowed to earn elective credits through employment with health care providers. Education Committee, Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2221
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Erick Bravo Herrera Camden High School Creation of a Public Healthcare Option Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1791
Judiciary Committee Failed (1/2)
House Shavontay Buggs Camden High School Drivers licenses for all Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2076
Governor Signed
House Nakyla Chopin Camden High School A bill for an act relating to elections; restoring the right to vote to individuals convicted of a felony upon completion of any term of incarceration imposed and executed by a court for the offense; Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1701
House In House
House Chesiah Cunningham Camden High School Free school meals Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2061
Governor Signed
House Lilian Eni Camden High School Crown Act Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1836
Education Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Mystic Hall Camden High School Student loan advocate established, and report required. Education Committee, Rules Committee 2141
House In House
House Darrius Hubbard Camden High School 100% Clean Energy by 2040 Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 1991
Governor Signed
House Kamaria Jordan Camden High School making Juneteenth a state holiday Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2071
House In House
House NkaujHmoob Khang Camden High School Hearing aid coverage specified. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2151
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Alis Moo Camden High School relating to health; prohibiting excessive price increases by manufacturers to generic or off-patent drugs; authorizing the attorney general to take action against manufacturers for certain price increases; prohibiting withdrawal of certain generic or... Health and Human Services Committee, Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1476
Education Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Jalen Mosby Camden High School Exception to tobacco in public schools created Education Committee, Rules Committee 2216
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Diego Munoz Camden High School Teachers of Color Act strengthened, percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers in Minnesota increased, world's best workforce requirements amended, reports required, and money appropriated. Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2206
Ways and Means Committee Failed (1/2)
House Sarto Omer Camden High School MN Sports & Events appropriation Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1891
House Failed
House Kaelena Sanchez-Steele Camden High School Statewide rental assistance Commerce and Labor Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2011
Judiciary Committee Failed (1/2)
House Minag Thao Camden High School Use of social media for minors ages 15 and younger regulated, and anonymous age verification required for websites harmful to minors Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2201
Commerce and Labor Committee Tabled (1/2)
House Alaya Vang Camden High School Small Business allowance provided Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1886
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Andrea Velasquez Rivera Camden High School Study of microplastics in meat and poultry required and money appropriated Energy and Environment Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1631
Governor Signed
House Ace Xiong Camden High School Universal background checks Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2016
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Cheng Yang Camden High School Hennepin County; persons experiencing homelessness funding provided, and money appropriated. Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1396
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Kalise Zackery Camden High School Minors 16, can consent to treatment Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1471
Commerce and Labor Committee Failed (1/2)
House Abdullahi Abdullahi Camden High School Persons 17 years of age permitted to serve alcoholic beverages. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2366
House In House
House Kaylynn Caldwell-Johnson Camden High School Assisted Suicide Bill Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1806
Commerce and Labor Committee Failed (1/2)
House Zenayzia Crite Camden High School Payday loans fee caps Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2006
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/2)
House James Hargon Camden High School State-sponsored health program use of funds limited for funding abortions. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1731
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Sumayah Jones Camden High School Child care assistance expanded, grants and rules regarding children's mental health expanded and modified, transition to community initiative modified, staff training requirements modified, covered transportation services modified, coverage of clinical... Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1401
Commerce and Labor Committee Passed (1/2)
House Hawa Kaba Camden High School Compensation for minors appearing in monetized internet and social media content Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1616
Commerce and Labor Committee Passed (2/3)
House Diana Laureano Uriza Camden High School A bill for an act relating to workforce development; modifying the use of the workforce development fund; Ways and Means Committee, Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1721
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Brittaney Mccaster Camden High School Infertility treatment insurance coverage required by health plans and medical assistance. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1651
Governor Received
House Maalik Miller Camden High School A bill for an act relating to insurance; limiting cost-sharing for prescription drugs and related medical supplies to treat chronic disease Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1481
House In House
House Patrick Mix Camden High School Providing Risk Assessments for Juveniles Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1901
House In House
House Kiara Nieves Flores Camden High School Health plan coverage of abortion and related services required, medical assistance required, and conforming changes made. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1756
HF0015 House Naima Omar Camden High School Red flag laws/extreme risk protection orders Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2021
House In House
House Raymond Oyondi Camden High School Social media algorithms that target children prohibited Health and Human Services Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2156
Rules Committee Tabled (2/2)
House Jason Paucar Camden High School Seat Belts on New School Buses (Seat belts required on newlypurchased school buses Education Committee, Rules Committee 1541
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Hank Pera Cole Camden High School A bill for an act relating to human rights; adding political affiliation to the human rights act; Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1691
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Andres Reillo-Ostolaza Camden High School Finance Class for High Schoolers (Personal finance class required forhigh school graduation, personal finance seal established for teacher licensure,and rulemaking authorized Education Committee, Rules Committee 1566
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Sunshine Robinson Camden High School Returning land to Upper Sioux Tribal Community Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 2051
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Hannah Vue Camden High School Minnesota High School League required to provide coaches with eating disorder prevention education resources. Education Committee, Rules Committee 2246
Rules Committee Tabled (2/2)
House Dillan Walker Camden High School Neglected Deaf Children (Children; definition of neglect modified.) Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1556
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Kai Coyne Harding Senior High School Criminal penalties increased for crimes committed because of the victim's political affiliation or beliefs. Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1921
House In House
House London (Rem) Lundberg Harding Senior High School Requires health insurance plans to cover medically necessary gender affirming care Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1811
Rules Committee Passed (2/2)
House Michael Maceda Harding Senior High School Funding for Twin Cities Jazz Festival Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1896
House In House
House Cassandra (Sanji) Thao Harding Senior High School Right for juveniles to consult with attorney before an interrogation established, notification to parents required, and record keeping required. Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1936
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Alex Cervantes Gonzalez Harding Senior High School Solar for schools program technical changes made. Education Committee, Rules Committee 2336
Governor Received
House Sci Yang Harding Senior High School Free college tuition (North Star Promise) Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2036
Rules Committee Passed (2/2)
House Ahjae Xiong* Harding Senior High School agriculture; appropriating money for farm to institutions; amending requirements for farm to school program to include additional childcare facilities Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1906
Governor Signed
House Fauberson Pierre Snider Harding Senior High School No-knock warrants prohibited Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1446
Commerce and Labor Committee Tabled (1/2)
House Cecilia Thao Harding Senior High School False labeling of pesticide-treated plants as pollinator friendly prohibited. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2261
Education Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Francisco Sermeno Jimenez Harding Senior High School Parental notice provided if student is left unattended on a school bus after route is completed. Education Committee, Rules Committee 1971
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Qaile Lee Harding Senior High School Medical assistance payment rates for abortion and abortion-related services increased. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1741
HF5208A House Jonas Snider Harding Senior High School Retrofitting Glass on U.S. Bank Stadium for Bird Safety Energy and Environment Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 4321
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Gaolia Xiong Harding Senior High School Non-profit child care providers property refund program proposed Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1456
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Evelyn Yang Harding Senior High School Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation prohibited Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2211
Judiciary Committee Failed (1/2)
House Joseph Rinconeno Alanis Harding Senior High School Immigration Sanctuary State Bill Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1781
Governor Received
House Kashia Xiong Harding Senior High School Counties required to provide shelter to families experiencing homelessness Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 2296
House In House
House Ruby Yang Harding Senior High School EMDR Therapy for Military Members and Spouses (Veterans' spousesand current military service members' spouses allowed to receive eye movementdesensitization and reprocessing therapy through Veterans Resilience Project,Veterans Resilience Project grant... Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1591
House In House
House MaivCibLis Her Harding Senior High School Sale of water in plastic containers prohibited Energy and Environment Committee, Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2176
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Elizabeth Petschl Harding Senior High School Coverage for equipment and supplies to treat diabetes required. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1501
House In House
House Dashawn Mehl Harding Senior High School Music education grant programs provided, and money appropriated. Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2286
House In House
House Jenny Soe Harding Senior High School Diaper distribution grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated. Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2306
House In House
House Suechi Xiong Harding Senior High School Youth climate action fellowship program created, report required, and money appropriated Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2351
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Jasper Hernandez Harding Senior High School American Indian views on environment and ecology integrated into statewide curriculum, and money appropriated. Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1761
House In House
House Ayden Moore Harding Senior High School Boating Access and State Fish Hatcheries Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1846
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Yareldy Sanchez B Harding Senior High School Early childhood mental health consultation grants funding provided, and money appropriated Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1661
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Ariana Garcia Miranda Harding Senior High School Sudden cardiac arrest screening required for youth athletes. Education Committee, Rules Committee 2231
Judiciary Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Christopher Albert Harding Senior High School The banning of terroristic assembled student groups, removing financial aid for folks belonging to those groups Education Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1421
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Nge Joy Aung Harding Senior High School Solar for Schools Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 2001
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Suneeya Musse Harding Senior High School Designated Support Person for Pregnant Patients (Pregnant patientshave the right to have a designated support person present while receivinghealthcare.) Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1536
Rules Committee Tabled (2/2)
House Ryan Thor Harding Senior High School A bill for an act relating to elections; restoring the right to vote to individuals convicted of a felony Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1706
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Aidan Moua Harding Senior High School Trust established for current and recent foster children receiving benefits and other income, report required, and money appropriated Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2301
Commerce and Labor Committee Failed (1/2)
House Angelia Thao Harding Senior High School Reflective Children’s Outerwear Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1861
House In House
House Moses Mbua Harding Senior High School Bill requiring paid family leave Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1821
House In House
House Avorn Vang Harding Senior High School Pregnant and parenting homeless youth study required, report required, and money appropriated Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2321
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Adelaide Blyth South High School capital investment; appropriating money for metropolitan cities inflow and infiltration grants; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2241
Education Committee Failed (1/2)
House Sateea Carter South High School Admission fees prohibited at public school events. Education Committee, Rules Committee 2236
Education Committee Failed (1/3)
House Junuh Coleman South High School A bill for an act proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article XIII, section 1; providing for a fundamental right to quality public education for all children Education Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1686
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Maura Davis South High School Eliminating PFAS Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 2041
Governor Signed
House Ryan Felt South High School American Indian regalia or objects of cultural significance allowed at graduation ceremonies. Education Committee, Rules Committee 2226
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Derrick Haywood South High School Youth homelessness grant, The Bridge for Youth funding provided, and money appropriated. Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1641
House In House
House Abigail May South High School Adopt, Don't Shop (Sale of dogs and cats by retail pet shops banned. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1586
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Faisa Mohamed South High School Creating a Woman’s Bill of Rights Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1451
Governor Received
House Iqra Mumin South High School Requires health insurance plans to cover all care related to pregnancy Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1801
House In House
House Amaya Munoz-Shipman South High School Access to Menstrual Products (Expanded to private and charter schools Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Rules Committee 1531
HF0016 House Helena Redd South High School Conversion therapy prohibited for children and vulnerable adults, medical assistance coverage prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 2361
Governor Signed
House Vee Reeves* South High School Book banning prohibited, public library bill of rights established, eligibility requirements modified for various library state aids, and private right of action created and attorney general enforcement provided. Education Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2251
House In House
House D.A. Scott South High School Banning hate/extremist groups in law enforcement Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2031
Commerce and Labor Committee Passed (1/2)
House Elisa Tamay Gualpa South High School Banning child labor at these sites Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1426
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Beautiful Walker South High School Emmett Louis Till Victims Recovery Program established, and money appropriated. This bill addresses the health and wellness needs of victims who experience trauma and historical trauma resulting from government-sponsored activities. Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1391
House In House
House Demilade Adewuyi Two Rivers High School A bill for an act relating to human rights; providing for certain human rights law; providing for civil penalties and other remedies; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022 Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1696
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (1/2)
Senate Sophia Agan Two Rivers High School Before Racism grant funding provided to develop best practices to prevent racial bias in young children, and money appropriated. Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2311
Rules Committee Passed (2/2)
House Silas Bloom Two Rivers High School Criminal penalty for use and possession of cannabis by persons under 21 years of age clarified. Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1526
House In House
House Patrick Bohmbach Two Rivers High School Appropriations bill to setup a fund to support LGBTQ people relocating to Minnesota Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1816
Education Committee Passed (1/2)
House Malena Carrasco Two Rivers High School Cannabis and substance use education requirements modified. Education Committee, Rules Committee 1966
Rules Committee Failed (2/2)
House Andre Carreras Two Rivers High School Social studies standards adoption and modifying review cycle suspended, ethnic studies requirements repealed, and ethnic studies appropriations cancelled. Education Committee, Rules Committee 1961
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Hannah Corbett* Two Rivers High School Stiffer Penalties for Gun Straw Buying Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1786
House In House
House Justin Cortez Two Rivers High School Substance use disorder treatment; licensed alcohol and drug counselors continuing education requirements modified, religious objections to placements in substance use disorder treatment programs allowed, comprehensive assessment requirements modified,... Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1411
Education Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Franklin Dawson Two Rivers High School Bird Hatching Project Ban for Schools Education Committee, Rules Committee 1881
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Tyler Demulling Two Rivers High School Water pollution prevention Keep it Clean program established and money appropriated. Energy and Environment Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1626
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Tyler Demulling Two Rivers High School Retrofitting Glass on U.S. Bank Stadium for Bird Safety Energy and Environment Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1876
Energy and Environment Committee Failed (1/2)
House Tyler Demulling Two Rivers High School Electric School buses Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 1996
Ways and Means Committee In Committee (2/3)
House Tyler Demulling Two Rivers High School Geothermal energy system construction funding provided, and money appropriated Energy and Environment Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2346
Rules Committee Passed (2/2)
House Nomi Dietsch Two Rivers High School Term limits for legislators established, and constitutional amendment proposed. Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1946
Education Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Quinn Fraley Two Rivers High School Cell phones in schools model policy requested. Education Committee, Rules Committee 1976
HF5400 Senate Carter Garland Two Rivers High School Narcan Required at MNSCU Schools (Public postsecondary institutionsrequired to maintain a supply of opiate antagonists on system campuses. Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, Rules Committee 1551
House In House
House Jared Garza Two Rivers High School Publicly funded stadiums required to accept cash payments for goods and services. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2196
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Julissa Gonzalez-Marquez Two Rivers High School Ban on Gun Telephone Cases Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 1856
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Jack Grosenick Two Rivers High School Schools requirement to maintain a supply of opiate antagonists (Narcan) Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1666
Governor Received
House Quinn Keyes Two Rivers High School Safe and Sick Time Law Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1826
House In House
House Zoelie Kolker Two Rivers High School Read Act - literacy Education Committee, Rules Committee 2066
House In House
House Caleb Koury Two Rivers High School opiate antagonists on public transportation Health and Human Services Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2081
House In House
House Tommy Larsen Two Rivers High School A bill for an actrelating to agriculture; establishing a farm-to-school program Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 1911
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Noah Ledermann Two Rivers High School Sale of nonelectric powered lawn and garden equipment prohibited Commerce and Labor Committee, Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 2171
House In House
House Elise Ludwig Two Rivers High School Elective declawing of cats prohibited, and civil penalties imposed. Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2281
HF5441 Senate Nolan Manternach Two Rivers High School Alcoholic beverages Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1831
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Emma Mercer Two Rivers High School Homeowners' associations prohibited from limiting right to display any flag Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 2191
House In House
House Jae Nguyen Two Rivers High School Pharmacists required to dispense prescriptions using a braille/audible container label for patients who are visually impaired or blind. Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1606
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Henry Stein Two Rivers High School Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 1871
Rules Committee In Committee (3/3)
House Claire Stein Two Rivers High School Grant program established to provide financial assistance to cities to address climate change, and money appropriated. Energy and Environment Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 2326
HF4400 House Raul Vaz* Two Rivers High School Prohibiting Social Media Manipulation Act created, social media platforms regulated, and attorney general enforcement provided. Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2186
Education Committee In Committee (1/3)
House Gabriela Walz Two Rivers High School Plant-based school lunch option required. Education Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 1956
Rules Committee Failed (3/3)
House David Wassenaar Two Rivers High School Advanced nuclear study required, report required, and money appropriated. Ways and Means Committee, Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 2341
Commerce and Labor Committee Passed (1/2)
House Lily Wollan Two Rivers High School Insurers prohibited from discriminating based on breed of dog owned Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 2161
Rules Committee Tabled (2/2)
House Jameson Woolsey Two Rivers High School Goals for energy use Energy and Environment Committee, Rules Committee 1431
Governor Vetoed
House Elia Kavic Vernon Two Rivers High School Employers required to include salary range and general benefits discription in all job postings Commerce and Labor Committee, Rules Committee 1611
Rules Committee In Committee (2/2)
House Arella Farias-Nuno CLUES Youth in Action Program Free school meals Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 4076
Judiciary Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Madeleine Garcia-Molina CLUES Youth in Action Program Creating a Woman’s Bill of Rights Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee 4066
Health and Human Services Committee In Committee (1/2)
House Aketzally Murillo CLUES Youth in Action Program A bill for an act relating to insurance; limiting cost-sharing for prescription drugs and related medical supplies to treat chro Health and Human Services Committee, Rules Committee 4071
Governor Received
House Marcelo Corona CLUES Youth in Action Program Free college tuition (North Star Promise) Education Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Rules Committee 4061